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Anwar, Rosihan - Sejarah kecil , Buku Kompas, Jakarta, 2004. , Rosihan (2004), , 1, Jakarta: Penerbit
Attahiyyat, Candrian - Onrust dan sekitarnya, gugusan pulau bersejarah di Teluk Jakarta, Unit Pengelola Museum Kebaharian Jakarta, 2022. First print September 2022.
Auswaertiges Amt (Foreign Affairs) - Dritter Merkblatt ueber die Lage der Deutschen in Niederlaendisch-Ostindien. Stand August 1941, Berlin, 1941. Includes separate chapters on the situation of men, women and children, and the seizure and trading of properties.
Auswaertiges Amt (Foreign Affairs) - Zweites Merkblatt ueber die lage der Deutschen in Niederlaendischen Besitzungen, Berlin, 1940. Author: Willy Schulz (?) - Second memorandum on the situation of Germans in the Dutch Colonies. Prepared at the occasion of Christmas and New Year to stimulate appreciation for imprisoned Germans overseas, 22 December 1940
Bakker, Ir. H. Th. - De KPM in oorlogstijd - Een overzicht van de verrichtingen van de Koninklijke Paketvaart-Maatschappij en haar personeel gedurende de Wereldoorlog. 1939-1945, Amsterdam, 1950
Bardoel, Jo -, Chris Vos, Frank van Vree, Huub Wijfjes (eds) - Journalistieke cultuur in Nederland, Amsterdam University Press , 2002. Third edition 2009, isbn 9789053565285, e-isbn 9789048511525, nur: 813/815, Van Imhoff tv coverage in 1965 discussed on pg. 275
Bennett, Geoffrey - The pepper trader - True tales of the German East Asia squadron and the man who cast them in stone, Equinox publishing, Jakarta/Singapore, 2006 ISBN 979-3780-26-6
Bezemer, K.W.L. - Geschiedenis van de Nederlandse Koopvaardij in de Tweede Wereldoorlog, Elsevier, Amsterdam / Brussel, 1987. Published in 2 volumes: 747 + 1446 pages. Especially page 643-680 are relevant to the subject. Ref timeline entry 1986.
Bloembergen, Marieke - De geschiedenis van de politie in Nederlands-Indië. Uit zorg en angst., Uitgeverij Boom/KITLV, 2009
Bloys van Treslong Prins, Paul Constant - Die Deutschen in Niederlandisch-Indien, Mitteilungen der Deutsche Gesellschaft fuer Natur und Voelkerkunde OstAsiens, Batavia/Tokyo, 1. This article was originally delivered as lecture for the Regional Batavia Circle of the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Natur und Völkerkunde OstAsiens, 30 September 1935. It was also printed in the "Mitteilungen" of this institute, Band XXIX, Teil D, Tokyo, 1937 The lecture and article discuss the presence and merits of the first generations of Germans in the NEI.
Books LLC - Kriegsverbrechen im Zweiten Weltkrieg, Books LLC, Reference Series, 2011 ISBN 9781233220540. Subtitle: Japanische Kriegsverbrechen, Verbrechen der Wehrmacht, Verbrechen der Roten Armee im Zweiten Weltkrieg, Kriegsverbrechen der Alliierten im Zweiten Weltkrieg, Centaur, Kriegsverbrechen der Japanischen Armee im Zweiten Weltkrieg
Buchsteiner, Jochen van - Tod vor Sumatra, 2012. View or download this article at
Burgers, Herman - De Garoeda en de Ooievaar - Indonesië van kolonie tot nationale staat, KITLV, Royal Netherlands Institute of Southeast Asian and Caribbean Studies, Leiden, 2011. Verhandelingen van het Koninklijk Instituut voor Taal-, Land-en Volkenkunde #266, ISBN 978 90 6718 347 5
Dijk, Kees van - The Netherlands Indies and the Great War 1914-1918, KTLV presss, Leiden, 2007. Verhandelingen Konklijk Instituut voor Taal, Land- en Volkenkunde no. 254
Drooglever, P.J. - M.J.B.Schouten and Mona Lohanda - Guide to the archives on relations between The Netherlands and Indonesia 1945-1963, Institute of Netherlands History The Hague, Den Haag, 1999.
Forke, Alfred - Erwin Ritter von Zach - in memoriam. . Zeitschrift der Deutschen Morgenländischen Gesellschaft, Band 97 (Neue Folge Band 22), 1942.
Gaebler website - Kriegsverbrechen – Das Totenschiff Van Imhoff
Geerken, Horst - Hitler's Asian adventure, Books on demand, 2017 ISBN ISBN-13: 9783738630138, ISBN-10: 3738630139. English summary version of German originals, 2nd Print, 572 pgs. Original German volumes: Hitlers Griff nach Asien - Band 1. Das Dritte Reich und Niederländisch-Indien. Aufbau deutscher Marinestützpunkte. Eine Dokumentation, 2015 Hitlers Griff nach Asien - Band 2. Der Anfang vom Ende der Kolonialzeit. Deutsche Hilfe für Soekarnos Freiheitskämpfer und Indiens Subhas Chandra Bose. Eine Dokumentation. Hitlers Griff nach Asien - Band 3. Das Dritte Reich und Niederländisch-Indien. Ergänzungen zu Band 1 und 2, sowie neue Erkenntnisse. Eine Dokumentation. Hitlers Griff nach Asien - Band 4. Vorlesungsunterlagen der Lageruniversität Dehra Dun in Britisch-Indien. Eine Dokumentation.
Gelder, Roelof van - Het Oost-Indisch avontuur - Duitsers in dienst van de VOC (1600-1800), SUN, Nijmegen, 1997. Ref: © 2006 dbnl
Grasshoff, Johannes - Verslag 1940 – 1942. First hand report of survivor Johannes Grasshoff. Machine typed in Yokohama, Japan, 1942. Unpublished document. 28 pages. Currently in NIOD archive in the Indische Collectie, archive ref 400.01078.
Gräbner, Dieter - Die “Van Imhoff”, das Totenschiff. Geschichte und Mythos einer Weltkriegstragödie, Conte Verlag GmbH, Libre Vitae Band xviii,, Saarbrücken, 2012
Grobben, Gerrit - De Van Imhoff, Thieme, Nijmegen, 1997. Novel about the changing relation between two friends one German, one Dutch during the interbellum and the outbreak of WWII. The historical facts and references used in this story are carefully researched.
Habsjah, Atashendartini - (ed), Mooriati Sudiharto (ed), Putut Trihusodo (ed) - Perjalanan panjang anak bumi: biografi R.M.A.A. Koesoemo Oetoyo, Yayasan Obor Indonesia, 2007 ISBN 978-979-4616-54-3
Hake, Claire - Mein geteiltes Herz, Verlag Wunderlich, 2010
Heekeren, C van - Batavia seint “Berlijn”, Bert Bakker / Daamen bv, Den Haag, 1967. In 1983 a slightly revised second print was published under the title Batavia seint “Berlijn”. De geschiedenis van de Indische Duitsers in Nederlandse gevangenschap. Nijgh & Van Ditmar, Den Haag, 1983. ISBN 90-236-5572-9.
Heβ, Hadrian OFMCap - Ihr müsst wissen, meine Freunde… Erlebnisse eines Missionars auf der Insel Nias. Die goldene Perlenkette und der Untergang de Van Imhoff, EOS verlag, Sankt Ottilien, 2014
Heuken, Adolf SJ - “…dahin, wo der Pfeffer wächst” Vierhundert Jahre Deutsche auf den Inseln Indonesiens, Yayasan Cipta Loka Caraka, Jakarta, 2010
Hug, Kerstin - Die medizinische Fakultät des Internierungslagers Dehra Dun, Britisch-Indien, Mai 1945 bis September 1946 - Studium in der Gefangenschaft, Medical faculty Heinrich Heine Universität, ,, Düsseldorf, 1999. PhD, 203 pages, The Van Imhoff affair is also included as case study for analysis.
Jaclyn - The Van Imhoff – a portrait for my Opa and Oma . Blogger and multi media artist Jaclyn (USA) is a granddaughter of victim Jakob Steinlein. She wrote her own narrative of the Van Imhoff disaster on her website Neutral Ocean. She also painted and publicised a sensitive portrait of her grandfather based on an old photograph and presented this to her family to keep her respect for him alive. Link:
Jährling, Marianne - Die „Unvollendete" im Beschermingskamp Tjibadak, 2006. Article in magazine StuDeO-INFO (December 2006). The author refers to several German women she met in the Tjibadak camp for women and children, including Berthi Friedrichs the wife of Van Imhoff survivor George Friedrichs.
Jong, Lou de - The Kingdom of The Netherlands during the Second World War 1939-1945, Martinus Nijhoff, Leiden, 1969. Historian Dr Lou de Jong is the designated official history writer of The Netherlands in wartime. The first part of his multivolume standard work was published in 1969. Eventually 14 volumes were published with a series of amendments and footnotes. In 1984, the final volumes appeared which include the war in NEI and a detailed coverage of the Van Imhoff affair. All volumes can be downloaded (for free) from the internet.
Köster, Bernhard - Aus Freunden und Nachbarn wurden Freinde, 2022. Published in Der Neue Akademische Bote aus Wandsbek, Hamburger Burschenschaft Germania, December 2022, page 18-23
Köster, Bernhard - Deutsche in Niederlandisch-Indien bis zum Ausbruch des Zweiten Weltkrieges, 2022. Published in Der Neue Akademische Bote aus Wandsbek, Hamburger Burschenschaft Germania, December 2022, page 13-17
Köster, Bernhard - Die Aufarbeitung des Van Imhoff-Dramas, 2022. Published in Der Neue Akademische Bote aus Wandsbek, Hamburger Burschenschaft Germania, December 2022, page 24-31
Kern, Erich - Verbrechen am deutschen Volk - Eine Dokumentation alliierter Grausamkeiten 1939 - 1949, K.W.Schütz-Verlag, Göttingen, 1964. In the 6th print of this revisionist study, Kern includes the Van Imhoff chapter under the ominous title (page 60): "Hollander ohne Gnade - 411 Deutsche mußten sterben". Kern's views and factual distortions had a wide impact on revisionist and rightwing websites and forums on the internet.
Kern, Erich - Weisser Mann, Toter Man? Ostasien im Umbruch - Ein Augenzeugenbericht, Welsermühl Verlag, Wels (Starnberg), -4. Right-wing revisionist view on the Van Imhoff affair as one of the many examples of war crimes committed by the allied countries against Germany. See also: Peter Ostrum (1967), Franz Scheidl (1968) and Heinz Roth (1971)
Klappert-Rebuschat, Dietlind - Gefangen im Paradies 1938-1945 - eine Kindheit hinter Stacheldraht, Wuppertal, 2012. Link to the full text of this PDF document available in the timeline (2012).
Münching, L L von - De Nederlandse Koopvaardijvloot in de Tweede Wereldoorlog - De lotgevallen van Nederlandse koopvaardijschepen en hun bemanning., De Boer Maritiem, Bussum, 1978 ISBN 9070027917 & 9789070027919. Published in two volumes. Münching's book can be seen as a prequel to the study of K W L Bezemer: Geschiedenis van de Nederlandse Koopvaardij in de Tweede Wereldoorlog published by Elsevier, Amsterdam 1986. See also the 1986 timeline entry on this site.
NEI - Regeerings-Almanak voor Nederlandsch-Indie 2, Landsdrukkerij, Batavia, 1941. Government of Dutch East Indies
Oktorino Nino - Invasi ke Sumatra, Elex Media Komputindo, Jakarta, 2019 ISBN 978-602-04-8798-4. Series: Nusantara Membara
Oktorino, Nino - Jejak Hitler di Nusantara - Petualangan, Intrik, dan Konspirasi Nazi di Indonesia, PT Elex Media Komputindo, Gramedia, IKAPI, Jakarta, 2020 ISBN 978-623-00-1536-6
Oktorino, Nino - Nazi di Indonesia - sebuah sejarah yang terlupakan, PT Elex Media Komputindo - Kompas Gramedia, Jakarta, 2015. 2nd print
Ostrum Peter - Deutsche ins Mehr gestoszen, Neue Zeitung nr 29, 26 July 1967. Right-wing revisionist view on the Van Imhoff affair as one of the many examples of war crimes committed by the allied countries against Germany. See also: Erich Kern (1959), Franz Scheidl (1968) and Heinz Roth (1971)
Propinsi Sumatera Utara Dinas Keterangan, Rebublik Indonesia - Propinsi Sumatera Utara, Medan, 1953. Information Bureau of North Sumatra
Roth, Heinz - Was geschah nach 1945? Teil 1: Der Zusammenbruch. Auf der Suche nach der Wahrheit., Published under own management, Postfach 6301 Oldenhausen Lumda, 1971. Right-wing revisionist view on the Van Imhoff affair as one of the many war crimes committed by the allied countries towards Germany. The author keeps the revisionists' tradition alive which also included: Erich Kern (1959), Peter Ostrum (1967) and Franz Scheidl (1968).
Scheidl, Franz J. von - Geschichte der Verfemung Deutschlands, Band 6. Das Unrecht an Deutschland, Rachejustiz an Deutschland, Dr.-Scheidl-Verlag, Vienna, 1968. Ref page 318-325. Right-wing revisionist view on the Van Imhoff affair as one of the many war crimes committed by the allied countries towards Germany under the title: "Auch Holland ist nicht frei von Kriegsverbrechen" In the same tradition: Erich Kern (1959), Peter Ostrum (1967) and Heinz Roth (1971).
Schmidt Jürgen - Liebe, Krieg und Mettwurst, Brighton Verlag, 2014 ISBN ISBN-10: 3958760031. ISBN-13: 978-3958760035.. Re-published in 2012 via Follows the Van Imhoff narrative with fictitious and not so fictitious characters.
Schmidt, Jürgen - "Maximilian und die Fressorgie der Haie: der Untergang der Van Imhoff" , Neopubli GmbH; 1st edition, 2021 ISBN ISBN-10: 3754114514, ISBN-13: 978-3754114513. Novel based on Liebe, Krieg und Mettwurst - Autobiografischer Roman by the same author.
Schroeff, J. P. van der - Geschiedenis van Lawe-Sigalagala, een kamp in Atjeh, 1946. Article originally published in the Nederlands Tijdschrift voor Geneeskunde, 91, pg 283-289 and pg 760-765, 1946 under the title Medische ervaringen in de Alas-vallei. Reprinted in the same magazine: 129, no 32, 1985. J P Van der Schroeff was a medical officer in the KNIL.
Seitz, Heinrich (Bruder Aloysius SVD) - Der Untergang der Van Imhoff – ein Augenzeugenbericht, 2006. The initial version of this account was published in Bahasa Indonesia in 1957 and is accessible from the timeline (ref 1957) on this site. In 1967, Aloysius' account appears as article in the annual pocket diary of the Steyler Mission for 1968. The original text is difficult to trace. In September 2006, a further reprint appears in the StuDeO - Info magazine of the Deutsches Leben in Ostasien Verein under a title which is (confusingly) similar to Gottlob Weiler's account of 1953.
Spang, Christian - The Internment of Germans in Dutch East India and the Japanese Sinking of the Van Imhoff . Link:
Steinberg, Georg - Die Versenkung der „Van Imhoff“ am 19. Januar 1942 - Augenzeugenberichte deutscher Überlebender, Georg Steinberg (Hrsg.), 2018 ISBN 978-3-8316-4668-5. Copies and transcripts of selected primary documents from various archives, 168 pages.
Swirc, Maurice - De Indische doofpot - Waarom Nederlandse oorlogsmisdaden in Indonesië nooit zijn vervolgd, De Arbeiderspers, 2022 ISBN 9789029545099. Why were the Dutch warcrimes in NEI never tried? This study more specifically covers the warcrimes in NEI after WW-II but also helps to understand how the moralistic worldview of the Dutch colonial authorities easily derailed into gross misconduct towards any declared enemy of the state. Such conduct was usually covered up to hide the involvement of well-known public figures, thus saving their image as people of high moral standards.
Thieme, J G - Weiss gibt auf, Non Stop-Bücherei, Berlin-Grunewald, 1958. Autobiographic, 159 pages.
Tsingtau. - Website dedicated to the Germans living and fighting for the freeport of Tsingtau.
. Comprehensive personal biodata. Related site
Vehring, Albert - Notarial deed on Van Imhoff disaster, Bielefeld, 1949. A copy of the original notarial statement is filed in Düsseldorf with the Interessenverband der vertriebenen Hollanddeutschen im Bundesgebiet. Full text available at several websites including:
Vos C - De Vara, de oorlog en de doofpot. Waarom de Van Imhoff-affaire nooit het televisie-scherm heeft gehaald, 1999. Tijdschrift voor mediageschiedenis, jaargang 2, nr. 1, juni 1999
Weiler, Gottlob - Der Untergang der Van Imhoff – ein Augenzeugenbericht, Stuttgart, 1953. Eyewitness account. Published in the series "Auf den Straβen der Welt", Missionshefte der jungen Gemeinde Nr 16, 5. Auflage, Evangelischer Missionsverlag GmbH. The main title is (confusingly) similar to Heinrich's Seitz' (Brother Aloysius') account as reprinted in 2006.
Wessel, Ingrid - Indonesien am Ende des 20. Jahrhundert, Abera Verlag Meyer & Co. Kg, Hamburg, 1997 ISBN 3-931567-07-9. An excerpt from this study related to victim Hans Overbeck was made by Horst Rosatzin and published in STUDEO-INFO, April, 2004, page 11-12.
Widyawati, Fransiska - Catholics in Manggarai, Flores, Eastern Indonesia, 2018 ISBN Theses Series No. 29
Withuis, Jolande - and Annet Mooij (eds.) - The Politics of War Trauma - The aftermath of World War ii in eleven European countries, AKSANT - NIOD, Amsterdam, 2010 ISBN 978 90 5260 371 1
Worm, Herbert - Dieter Lorenz-Meyer in memoriam - Zu Ehren des langjährigen Vorsitzenden der Gesellschaft für Natur- und Völkerkunde Ostasiens e.V., Hamburg (OAG). Dieter Lorenz-Meyer (1980-2008) was the Chairperson of the society for the natural sciences and the ethnology of Eastern Asia (Gesellschaft für Natur- und Völkerkunde Ostasiens e.V., Hamburg (OAG) The author Herbert Worm was the treasurer of OAG in the period 1980-2009. He describes the history and context of the society in detail. The Van Imhoff disaster gets abundant attention. Interesting for its numerous footnotes and references.