
Franz Klein

Victim | 10 May 1889 | Police officer

Born in 1889 in Sankt Wendel, Trier district, Rheinland, Germany.

1 August 1914: Commissioned officer in the 2nd Company of the Far East Marine detachment. From November 1911: Japanese internment in camp Kumamoto and camp Oita Lager (Prisoner number 4388 born in St. Wendel). On 25 August 1918 moved to the Narashino camp where he is registered with home address St. Wendel, Josefstr. #1. Released in December 1919.

1922: Migrated to NEI and posted as supervisor/inspector of the military police in Kepanjen, Pasuruan, Madura.

1940: Police officer in Celebes (Sulawesi).


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