
Hugo Friedrich Beck

Survivor | Date of birth unkown | Estate administrator

H F Beck was administrator with the Klawat Estate in Indragiri.

In September 1942, after his stay in Nias as Van Imhoff survivor, he returned to the Klawat estate but the chaos in the country made it impossible for him to stay there. He fled to Brastagi in Sumatra. In November the German ambassador in Tokio appointed him as representative of the Germans on the Sumatran West Coast In March 1944 he became official representative of all Germans living in Sumatra.

Beck was followed by the Dutch Intelligence Service and labelled as Nazi organizer and representative of Germans in Sumatra.

In Van Heekeren (pg 358 - 359) the story is retold about a chest full of personal valuables, taken from the German internees. This chest came in the hands of a.o. Hugo Beck who was charged with the task to find the rightful owners. The search for this chest and some missing contents became a Dutch police matter in July 1946 (see timeline for a detailed police report)



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