
Werner Ludwig Robert Wilhelm Engelhardt

Victim | 29 July 1905 | Deputy CEO of Gas Company in Semarang

Born in Bangkok. Son of Wilhelm Engelhardt and Gertrud Delius. Engineer and deputy manager with the Nederlandsch-Indische Gasmaatschappij.

Married to Bertha Droste (born in Pekalongan, 7 February 1913). The marriage ceremony took place in Semarang on 11 November 1931. Werner was then 26 years. They had four children.

After the war, Bertha was registered as living in Malang for a while.

In 1969 the Netherlands War Graves Foundation
considered Werner a Dutch victim of war and searched for family members and descendants to officially recognise his official seaman's grave.


Source: Burgerlijke Stand Batavia, bijzondere overlijdensregisters 1948-1950, Arsip Nasional Jakarta.

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